Gung Hey Fat Choi! Happy Chinese New Year!
Not only is this time of the year special for me because it is Chinese New Year but this day in particular is very special. Because it is one year anniversary of "Making the Same Difference". It just seems like yesterday when I found myself entering the words "how to start a blog" into a search engine to figure out how to get started.
But my success began when I realized that this was really God's idea, not mine. He already had a plan to get me where I am. Of course I would have to work hard but at the end of the day, where I am today has nothing to do with my own greatness or cleverness. It's his idea....I'm just along for the ride! It's important to realize that all fame and influence comes from God and he's only lending some of it to me so that I can turn around and make him even more famous :)
On this special day, you need to know that each one of you that have visited this blogsite have played a significant part in the growth. There is a symbiotic relationship between us. I write blogs and you keep coming back. When I see that you keep coming back, it encourages me to want to grow as a writer. People cannot get famous without fans. I will never understand celebs who don't treat their fans right because it is because of their fans that make them what they are.
I also want to acknowledge my fans that were actually there with me in the "labor room" the very day this site was born. Your visits to this site daily and weekly make all the difference. I know some of you by name and want you to know that many times when I wanted to quit writing on this blogsite, it was you that was in my thoughts and gave me the desire and will to keep going.
The other group of people I would like to thank is for the wonderful people that look out for me and who keep me accountable as a blogger. Honestly, I feel nervous every single time I push the "publish" button and make one of my blogs public. I never know if what I have written is something right, or if I am "off" or what the blog sounds like to other people.
And I appreciate every person who has ever taken time out to mention something about what I write or even when it comes to things like copyrights and using other people's material on my blogsite. Also, I appreciate those of you who from time to time give me feedback on your experience with the blogsite and comment on things like navigation or user friendliness. Your feedback is vital to the success of my blogsite.
And what I know that can thank every single fan for is for allowing me to experiment with new things. Alot of people don't understand that being a blogger is something that I didn't become overnite, I had to grow into it. Bloggers are actually a sub-culture and I had to find out what it meant to be a blogger and what that looked like. Having such open-minded fans makes all the difference in helping me develop my own unique style.
About the Gaga videos, there is a good reason for it. Leave it up to me to post her most controversial performances! LOL But seriously, the way Gaga treats her fans is such an inspiration for me. I have a friend who worked for MTV and dealt with celebs all the time. She met Gaga and told me that Gaga is not only talented but extremely hardworking as well. She drives herself to give her fans only the very best of her as an artist. I kiss the ground that Lady Gaga walks on....
You know what I would love more than anything in the world this next coming year? To have a "Bad Romance" with all of you out there. I wanna take you for a ride so crazy that you either can't get enough of "Making the Same Difference" or you never wanna come back! There is no room for middle ground. The word "mediocrity" doesn't exist in my vocabulary!
My dream for this blogsite is for "Making the Same Difference" to live up to it's name and be about "making the same difference". You can help me realize that dream by participating in this fundraiser for Generosity Water. It would be a fantastic way to celebrate and mark the one year anniversary of this blogsite. Where are we going to be 5 years from now? Hopefully we'll still be having a "bad romance" :)