With the rise of Groupon, within the last few yrs we've seen almost an epidemic of similar sites where once you find a deal, the idea is to name it and claim it within the time frame allotted to you. I personally have never grabbed anything off some of these daily deals sites but it was while listening to an podcast by pastor Paul Scanlon of
Abundant Life Ministries, that I realized the greatest daily deal is waiting to be claimed every second of my life.
Normally I don't talk about the sermons or messages I listen to but this particular message caught my attention and I realized that there was something in it for everyone. The pastor was talking about what "Now" exactly means in the context of the length of time. Would "now" considered be weeks, days, and minutes? In the message he brought to light that scientist discovered that "now" as defined as 5 secs. So every 5 secs. you get a new moment and that is an opportunity for a new reality.
There are two activities in the world that I believe help people understand more than anything the idea of moving from moment to moment. One is Argentine tango to which many of you know that I do participate in when I can. The other activity is surfing which I have my heart set on trying at least once