Image by Timothy Valentine via Flicker
Like most North Americans, I am a connoisseur of entertainment. And from having so many years as a consumer, I have come to see patterns that make or break a successful series. One of things that are an absolute essential if you wish to keep up ratings is the introduction of new characters into the plotline. And I am proud to say that we are bringing on board two new characters that will definitely add sugar and spice to the plotline.
Firstly there is my new roommate Lucreicia. She is the woman that I will be living with. Apparently she is an amazing hostess and is also an expert in holistic therapies. How my path crossed with her is very interesting. While searching for accomodation on the internet, I came across "Spare Rooms BA" they are a company that matches you up with mates in a house or an apartment. In the capital, almost everyone shares a space with everyone else. Part of it is to save money and part of it is because there simply isn't alot of space in the city.
I had some criterias for the host I would be choosing. The big one is that they had to live in a neighbourhood that is very close to where I would be teaching. After consulting with the staff at the school, I was left with two recommendations. Either the barrios of Cabalito or Almagro. I have been in Almagro but not Cabalito. It is actually a really nice area that is close to my favorite mall, Abasto. Living there will give you more of a feel of what it is like to be a local.
So after looking at all that was available in Cabalito and Almagro, it looks like Lucreicia's place was the most ideal. There was a balcony where I would be able to sit out in the sun. The home is decorated with Asian decor. Lucreicia even has a dog and for those who know me, know that I am a big dog person. What is even more amazing is the description of this hostess and what she was like. I'm going to put it here in spanish her own exact words.
"Soy Profesora de Tai Chi Chuan, disciplinas orientales, instructora de Yoga, Meditacion, Me encanta la danza, musica, el cine, todo el arte en general. Me encantan largas caminatas, viajes, animales, naturaleza, Mi casa es un lugar muy tranquilo, donde reina el clima armonico, amigable y respetuoso. Soy vegetariana, por lo que prefiero que no se cocinen carnes en casa, se pueden pedir por delivery. Es importante para mi que no se fume en casa. Las experiencias que he tenido de convivencia con extranjeros han sido muy agradables y muy enriquecedoras. "I will translate. It says:
"I am a teacher of Tai Chi Chuan, oriental disciplines, and an instructor of Yoga & Meditation. I love dance, music, theatre, and arts in general.I love long walks, trips, animals, and nature.My house is a very tranquil place where harmony reigns with friendliness and respect. I am vegetarian and I prefer it if meat is not cooked in my home. You can ask for it to be delivered. It is important for me that there be no smoking in my home. The experiences I have had living with foreigners have been sweet and enriching."It's going to be an interesting ride living with this lady. Who would have thought that out in the middle of catholic latin america you would find someone with a home full of Asian decor, does yoga and meditation, is vegetarian and understands about energy and spirituality? As soon as I heard the description and saw pictures of her house, I knew that I was in good hands. See for yourself.....
La Casa de Lucreicia
But that is not the end of my character introductions for season 2. The more the merrier! To make my 2nd character introduction make sense, I need to give some background. There are several websites that I refer to for information on BA and have plenty of tips and tricks for living in the city. From reading those websites and the articles on there, there are certain individuals that I found myself becoming a fan of.
Anyway, I get up one morning and I check my email and there was an email that had the subject line "love your blog!". It was her. I could not believe it. She had stumbled onto my blogsite and fell in love with it immediately. She wanted to connect with me and see about doing collaborations and guests posts. It was quite obvious that she was impressed by my blogsite.
I replied to her no problem and I would love to collaborate with her. I explained to her that I was coming back into the city in a little bit and we could meet up and get together to discuss ideas and brainstorm. I could not believe that was emailing this girl who I had been a fan of and now are discussing working together. My head is still spinning.
So I actually have sent her an invite and given her the OK to write articles on my blogsite whenever she wants. Her standard of writing is very high quality and the things that she would be posting fit perfectly with the audience that visits this blogsite. There is alot of excitement in the air right now as two skilled writers begin to talk about working and doing projects together. Whatever the case, I think that my new friend's spunk and enthusiasm as a writer will definitely add "spice" to the plot line while Lucreicia and her warmth and hospitality will be the "sugar" that sweetens season 2.
Tango 2 the Moon