Hello people! Just a quick (-ha) vlog giving you an update about our travels. Thanks for your messages via YouTube/Facebook. We did not feel the earthquake at all. I only got wind of the earthquake from your messages in the afternoon.
Our thoughts and prayers have been with Gabi and her family in Concepcion. Very thankful to hear within the last hour from Gabi that she is OK with her family. Although, Concepcion is not in a good state at all.
The next video is of out time in Concepcion with Gabi and her family. You will see that Concepcion was a lovely city to be in. Take care Concepcion!
We visited "Torres Del Paine" National Park - check out some photos on Google Images.
More news later! Keep safe everyone! Be thankful for your safety and your families. :)
ArgenYanqui Creations: Peanut Butter Chocotorta Recipe
Allow me to introduce one of my greatest culinary triumphs: a decadent
treat that bridges the delicacies of my birthplace and my adopted home,
born from ...
3 weeks ago