Fútbol........that word is almost sacred to Argentine culture. I haven't really touched on that subject in my blogs simply because I am not a sports fan. But even to someone who isn't a sports fanatic, their love and passion for the game is obvious when you walk into restaurants and there will be several T.V.'s suspended from the ceiling airing some game that is currently happening. And you can be sure that there is still no lapse in news coverage in the comings and goings of Diego Maradona. In fact, Argentines take the sport so seriously that they are incorporating 2 hrs of watching fútbol into the curriculum at schools. Today's lesson in Argentina? Watching World Cup - Yahoo! Canada News
In my early days in Argentina, there was a very important match between Argentina and Peru at the Bombonera stadium in La Boca. This particular match was actually a qualifier for the FIFA World Cup so the stakes were really high! There were a few guys from my residence that decided to go and got tickets to see the match. On the day of the match in rained heavily and all the onlookers, fans and supporters were soaked. But everybody that day was held in total suspense as they watched the game so nobody cared. You see, Peru and Argentina were tied even throughout the majority of the match. Then two minutes before the game ends, Argentina scores. The crowd went crazy and totally soaked, the fans screamed, cheered, danced for joyed and hugged each other. Maradona himself did a belly flop onto the grass as you'll see in the video.
In my early days in Argentina, there was a very important match between Argentina and Peru at the Bombonera stadium in La Boca. This particular match was actually a qualifier for the FIFA World Cup so the stakes were really high! There were a few guys from my residence that decided to go and got tickets to see the match. On the day of the match in rained heavily and all the onlookers, fans and supporters were soaked. But everybody that day was held in total suspense as they watched the game so nobody cared. You see, Peru and Argentina were tied even throughout the majority of the match. Then two minutes before the game ends, Argentina scores. The crowd went crazy and totally soaked, the fans screamed, cheered, danced for joyed and hugged each other. Maradona himself did a belly flop onto the grass as you'll see in the video.
A fan of Intependiente climbs onto the fence as confetti is thrown on the field before their Argentine First Division soccer match against San Lorenzo de Almagro in Avellaneda, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, April 10, 2010.
Photo from fOTOGLIF