All right guys, after much debate I have decided to add the YouTube Gadget. And I actually do have a good reason for it. It was something I wasn't sure about because I want to keep this place as organic as possible and provide an escape from a world that is just buzzed and wired with media.
But I was thinking that it would be a neat tool to have on the sight. Because you'll be able to do things like search for Argentine tango as well as see if there are videos of any of the places I am talking about. In that way, you're really personalizing the experience of being on this website and making it your own.
If you would like some suggestions on things you can search using the tool, I would begin with some Argentine tango. There are alot more videos of Eduardo Saucedo & Marisa Quiroga than the ones I've already got on my sites. Another great dance pair is Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo. They recently appeared on a dance competition in the US called "Superstars of Dance". They did some over the top tango performances during the course of the competition.
Other interesting searches might be to see videos of Iguazú falls that people have done. Like I said in an earlier blog, there is no picture or video in the world that can do justice to the experience of actually being there at the falls. But watching videos of the falls are a sure way to ignite that travel bug inside of you. And of course there are many other videos on YouTube that have nothing to do with tango.
I honestly love local talent. We have a local band in Victoria, that is breaking out right now called "Santa Clara" For your convenience I've added the link as well as put a YouTube video of the making of Santa Clara's hit song "The Fool". If you haven't tried it already, go all the way to the bottom of the blogsite and click on the YouTube video that I have left there for your convenience. And of course, the gadget is something you can use for your own personal use and endeavors. The most important thing is have fun and be creative!
Also I would like to comment about something called Adsense. It is a thing where people who run these website can partner together with Google by allowing Google to use their website for some advertising. Some of it I control and some of it I don't. The part I do control is where on the site the ads will go. I have chosen to place them only on the sidebar because I do not want my readers to have had a beautiful experience reading a blog only to be confronted with some ad at the very end of the blog. It doesn't make for a lovely reading experience!
I've chosen for the ad to be placed on the sidebar so in that manner it won't be a distraction for those of you who came here to get away from all kinds of media. An important note is that I actually do not control what ads get shown. Google adsense looks at the kind of website that I have and chooses which ads to put on the site that would suit the type of blog I am doing. Whatever you see, it's not up to me. I only determine where the ads go :)
Also, I'm trying something new here by adding Digg 2.0 It is a highly popular gadget that seems to me somewhat like the frontpage of Yahoo where it connects people with the very best in news, entertainment etc. At the same time it has a search engine where you can look for the things that interest you. I am slipping it into a place on the site where it would seem most natural for something like that to be there.
Everyone who visits the site here has a different reason and a different walk of life. I'm doing my best to provide you with other goodies that you can have fun with during your time here that will appeal to a variety of styles and tastes :)
ArgenYanqui Creations: Peanut Butter Chocotorta Recipe
Allow me to introduce one of my greatest culinary triumphs: a decadent
treat that bridges the delicacies of my birthplace and my adopted home,
born from ...
3 weeks ago